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Estaplace History, How the project started. |
Estaplace was started on July 2005, by Ceglia Giovanni, as a listing portal for real estate and accommodations services. Ceglia Giovanni is working as programmer and webmaster since 2001, and he created a lot of successfull Internet services, like pay per click scripts, pay per popunder scripts, link exchange scripts, image galleries scripts, click counters, web statistic scripts, banner exchange scripts, web portals and communities, small and tematic search engines, affiliate systems, e-commerce scripts, used on a lot of successfully web sites. Ceglia Giovanni developed also a lot of software tecnologies for Personal Computer, like a a web spider made in Delphi for Windows, this spider is capable to spider the net and store and index millions of web addresses, creating indexes useful to search the pages in an easy and fast way, like the big search engines. The indexes can also be distributed on more computers, or hard disks, and also the Spiders can run in concurrency with more istances running at the same time. From July 2003 to July 2005, he worked for a company based in Italy, "Liguria" managed from a couple of professional swindlers/scammers/fraudsters, they told him a lot of liars about their projects and activities, they invented a lot of false stories, and after he believed them and created one of the biggest real estate portal on the earth for them, they stopped to pay him without advises and explanations, so he stopped to work for them and after this very bad experience and time wasted he decided to work only for himself. Now Ceglia Giovanni is running a successfully small hosting company, with earnings growing 10%-20% every month, and he is creating a big Network of web portals for Internet Services, to help people and companies to have successfully business on Internet. Ceglia Giovanni created this successfully hosting company in a record time, in less than one year, buying the sites 9euro.com, mioweb.net, and hostplanet.it, and trasforming them in a gold miner, the number of clients increated with a percentage of 120 % in one year of activity, and the main hosting site of Ceglia Giovanni, is growing in traffic every day, and also its popularity is running up very fast. Estaplace is only, one of the portals under development, and it is implemented and improved every day, with new services and functions. In the Ceglia Giovanni portafolio, there are also other successfully services and web sites like: UrlFree.it, a service to short url address dedicated to Italian Market. Libazar.com, a marketplace with generic listings, about everything, growing very fast every day. SitesBazar.com, a service to review, advertise, buying and selling web sites and domains, in a new original way. LastCars.com, a marketplace for cars and vehicles, the service is growing as the other sites. BoatsBazar.com, a marketplace for boats and charters, the service is growing as the other sites. FoodsBazar.com, a marketplace for foods and drinks, the service is growing as the other sites. LiPlanes.com, a marketplace for helicopter and airplanes, the service is growing as the other sites. BusiSell.com, a marketplace for business real estate and commercial activities, the service is growing as the other sites. OctopusHotel.com, a web directory for hotels and accommodations, with a lot of web sites, categorized by country, region, cities, and types. WebFiles.eu, a website to share photos, videos and files. |
<House Exchanging>
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<Terms & Conditions>
<Tips on writing your listing>
<Real Estate Forums>
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<Estaplace.com History>
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[ USA -> CHICAGO - 11/February/2025 12:52:42 ]
We have 24802 properties listed. Yesterday traffic on Estaplace Real Estate was: 4195
unique visitors with 109113 page views. To view more statistics about
Estaplace Real Estate, click here.
Estaplace.com is a worldwide and international real estate directory, with thousands
of real estate listings, divided into countries and regions. All material, the structure, and the layout on this site
are © Copyright of Estaplace.com by Ceglia Giovanni located in Trento N. 74 Pal. I Street in Pagani(Salerno) - Italy.
Italian Business Code: Partita IVA N. IT03972320653, registered in the "Camera di Commercio" of Salerno.
Estaplace.com is one the Ceglia Giovanni projects, started on 20 July 2005, and online since 20 August as a real estate platform for listings, mainly operating on the Italian and American/English market in the Internet, Estaplace would like to become the point of referiment for home sellers and home buyers, a site where private owners or real estate agencies can have the possibility to show their offers to the world. Estaplace.com is only one of the Giovanni Ceglia's sites. Everyday Giovanni Ceglia works to improve new Internet tools and services for online marketing and business. Estaplace.com will become the biggest portal for real estate business and investments online.
Estaplace.com is one the Ceglia Giovanni projects, started on 20 July 2005, and online since 20 August as a real estate platform for listings, mainly operating on the Italian and American/English market in the Internet, Estaplace would like to become the point of referiment for home sellers and home buyers, a site where private owners or real estate agencies can have the possibility to show their offers to the world. Estaplace.com is only one of the Giovanni Ceglia's sites. Everyday Giovanni Ceglia works to improve new Internet tools and services for online marketing and business. Estaplace.com will become the biggest portal for real estate business and investments online.