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ESTAPLACE.COM REAL ESTATE - FREE LISTING SERVICE - is an accommodation and real estate directory, where real estate property owners or real estate agencies connect with vacationers and home buyers worldwide. If you are a seller, you can add listings in few seconds, and if you are a buyer you can search listings to find your dream property!

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About Us - All information about our network and services!
Estaplace is a site of Ceglia Giovanni, Ceglia Giovanni is a programmer which works on Internet since the 2001, with many experiencies in portal development and into Internet Services development.

Ceglia Giovanni, is specialized in hosting services and in Internet Services, he offers hosting services, and customizable platform for e-commerce, but also e-mail services, domain registration services, customized hosting plans, database services, programming services, e-mail services with antivirus and antispam, and other services linked with hosting and Internet.

Ceglia Giovanni is creating a network of hundreds web sites, some of witch are:

Estaplace.com - Real Estate Listings, rentals, travel offers.
Libazar.com - Generic objects for sale listings, auctions and more.
GloboSpace.com - Domain Registration and Hosting services.
9Euro.com - Domain Registration and Hosting services.
MioWeb.net - Domain Registration and Hosting services.
Urlfree.it - Url Shrinking service, if you have long urls.
CastlesForSale.eu - Castles For Sale listings, selected by Estaplace.
BusiSell.com - Business and Commercial Real Estate for sale.
GiovanniCeglia.com - My Personal Official web site.
Catalogo.be - A link directory for web sites.
LastCars.com - Cars and vehicles for sale and for rent, listings.
BoatsBazar.com - Boats and charters offers by owners, agents.
SitesBazar.com - Domains and full developed web sites for sale.
FoodsBazar.com - Foods and Drinks for sale, by producers.
JobArchive.eu - Jobs listings, offers and people searching.
MotoreSalute.com - Search Engine for Healt Info in Italian.
OctopusHotel.com - Search Engine and web site directory for accommodations.
WebFiles.eu - File sharing and hosting service, for images, videos, and texts.
Hosting-Talking.com - Discussion forum, made with PhpBB, to discuss about hosting and domains.
RiccoSubito.com - Discussion forum, made with PhpBB, to discuss about how to earn moneys on Internet(Italian only).
TravelArticles.eu - Article and story directory, about travels and holiday experiencies.
ILCalcio.eu - Portal and discussion board about Italian and European Soccer, with forum, links and more (Italian only) .

9Euro Web Hosting

This site is running thanks to 9Euro Web Hosting the main Ceglia Giovanni business on the Net. For more info about Hosting Services and Domain Name registration services, visit 9Euro Web Hosting at this web address.

My company is an ethic company, I want to create a company where workers could be happy, because I worked for an evil and very bad company, and I know these type of companies haven't any future, I worked for a company with very stupid and dishonest managers/owners, I worked for them 2 years, and in two years they created a very large number of stupid problems because they didn't pay people, they did mobbing, they did swindles against customers ... And they also manaced me when I told them, I wasn't interested in work for them anymore.

So, I know these type of evil companies, they don't run for long time, they cannot create a brand, they have to change company name every 2-3 years. If you have to resolve problems with people, workers, customers, you cannot work on tecnologies and services development! I want to create a clean company, because I want to develop tecnologies and offer high quality services, I don't want to create works for attoneys!

[ USA -> CHICAGO - 01/March/2025 12:34:45 ] We have 24802 properties listed. Yesterday traffic on Estaplace Real Estate was: 6440 unique visitors with 230296 page views. To view more statistics about Estaplace Real Estate, click here.

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Estaplace.com is a worldwide and international real estate directory, with thousands of real estate listings, divided into countries and regions. All material, the structure, and the layout on this site are © Copyright of Estaplace.com by Ceglia Giovanni located in Trento N. 74 Pal. I Street in Pagani(Salerno) - Italy. Italian Business Code: Partita IVA N. IT03972320653, registered in the "Camera di Commercio" of Salerno.

Estaplace.com is one the Ceglia Giovanni projects, started on 20 July 2005, and online since 20 August as a real estate platform for listings, mainly operating on the Italian and American/English market in the Internet, Estaplace would like to become the point of referiment for home sellers and home buyers, a site where private owners or real estate agencies can have the possibility to show their offers to the world. Estaplace.com is only one of the Giovanni Ceglia's sites. Everyday Giovanni Ceglia works to improve new Internet tools and services for online marketing and business. Estaplace.com will become the biggest portal for real estate business and investments online.