Article About Campania - Italy
Salerno, Tourism in Paestum
by Giovanni - (it was shown 3502 times)
Paestum is the Latin name for the Greek settlement of Poseidonia, an orderly Archaeological Park, one of the most important in Italy, with civil buildings, necropolises and ancient temples. Worth mentioning are the ruins of the Forum and the amphitheatre, stretches of road, the Sacred Way, the famous "Tomb of the Diver", the temples of Peace, Hera, Ceres, and Neptune, with the mighty Doric and Ionic Columns. In a short distance away there is the Greek sanctuary of Hera Argiva (or "Heraion"), one of the greatest in classic ancient times.
But Paestum isn't only important for its history, Paestume is also good for classic tourism, for tourists who love the sea, or the mountains, infact Paestum has nice coasts with beaches with fine sands, and clear water, and also is surrounded and nestled into the quiet Cilento's Park, so Paestum is ideal for people who wants to discover the ancient history of Italy, but also enjoy the sea, and the quiet of the mountain.
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