N8130010 Alteglofsheim is the home of the administration of the municipality Pfakofen. Alteglofsheim is 15 kms to the south of Regensburg on the B15 to Landshut.
Alteglofsheim is also the home of the Bavarian academy of music in castle Alteglofsheim which is one of 3 Bavarian academies of music (the otheres in Marktoberdorf and Hammelburg) which was founded in 2000. The castle is a medieval castle.
Altogether the builder is offering 4 fully-opened properties for 2 duplexes and 2 single-family dwellings in massive construction and fully converted, (without painting and carpet work), along with a full cellar. Note: a) Contained in the property price is the full development (local sewer connection, water, street).
The connections already exist on the property. b) The private connections for sewer drainage, water, electricity and gas are produced by the builder and are already included in the house prices! Further private connections, including telephone, broadband cable, etc, must be paid for by the buyer.
c) In the property prices the garage (with forecourt and parking space) is already contained. See layout plan.
d) The property sizes are taken from the development plan suggestions and drafts. Should the size change, the builder is not to be made liable! e) In all prices the value-expense of 16 is already contained.
f) Not contained in the price are the purchase of land tax, notary and financing expense, measurement expense after building of a house, perhaps floor space rating expense by the municipality, outdoor arrangements, garages, parking spaces, additions, etc. The houses are also offered without cellar!